
application/pdfBuild Forward Better: How the global community must act now ‘Build back better’ has long been a rallying cry of crisis responses – and is being used frequently today. However, given the scale of the global learning crisis even before the Covid-19 pandemic – with one child in six denied their right to education – it’s vital we don’t limit our ambition to building ‘back’ to how things were. Now it’s imperative we build forward better – and differently. There’s no denying the scale of the challenge. But there’s also cause for hope. The global reach of the Covid-19 crisis has generated a shared understanding of the impact of crisis on children’s right to education. This understanding can be used to build forward better – and radically transformchildren’s chances. Build Forward Better presents new analysis on which countries’ school systems are most vulnerable to existing risks and future crises. And it sets out what the global community needs to do to support ministries of education in those countries to prepare now. So that, even during emergencies, education systems can provide all children with good-quality, safe and inclusive opportunities to learn.07/09/20214MB
application/pdf101 Games for Children101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism, Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorders- A Book by Tara Delaney was translated into Georgian by Children and Youth National Center with the financial support of the US Embassy in Georgia. The book is designed for parents and practitioners to promote the notion and practice of LEARNING THROUGH PLAY - one of the best ways for children with autism, Asperger's, and sensory processing disorders to learn is through play. Children improve their motor skills, language skills, and social skills by moving their bodies and interacting with their environment. „101 თამაში და აქტივობა აუტიზმის, ასპერგერის სინდრომისა და სენსორული ინტეგრაციის დარღვევის მქონე ბავშვებისათვის“- ტარა დელეინის სახელმძღვანელო ,,101 თამაში და აქტივობა აუტიზმის, ასპერგერის სინდრომისა და სენსორული ინტეგრაციის დარღვევის მქონე ბავშვებისათვის“, საქართველოში აშშ-ის საელჩოს დაფინანსებითა და სსიპ „ ბავშვთა და ახალგაზრდობის ეროვნული ცენტრის მხარდაჭერით, საგამომცემლო სახლმა „დედანმა“ გამოსცა. ბავშვთა და ახალგაზრდობის ეროვნული ცენტრი/Children and Youth National Center25/03/20223MB
application/pdfSituation Analysis: Climate Change Knowledge among ChildrenThe SC representative office in Georgia has embedded climate change issues in its new strategic priorities. To start with, in order to strengthen our advocacy initiatives with evidence-based recommendations, a situation analysis of climate change knowledge among children in Georgia has been planned and conducted.16/11/2022262KB
application/pdfპერსონალურ მონაცემთა დაცვაპერსონალურ მონაცემთა დაცვის პოლიტიკის დოკუმენტი21/03/2024224KB
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